【 SWIHA ライフコーチングクラス入学 】

SWIHA Life coaching program started today.
Here is a part of big warm welcome got today and love it !The Chinese philosopher Confucius once said—“ A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”
The educational journey you have chosen to embark upon here at SWIHA is the first step on your newly chosen path—your thousand miles. As with all grand adventures, travel is always more agreeable if one has a partner. A person to answer questions, offer a shoulder to lean on, or simply make the trip more enjoyable. As you venture forth, think of that person as me. Carla CrujidoMy name is Laura Barnes and I come to you with an open and willing heart prepared to serve as your Instructor and Guide as we begin this transformational journey together.
I gently encourage you to take an active, participatory role in the class to maximize your learning experience and to enjoy the benefits of giving and receiving in this beautiful, online spiritual community. Reach deep within yourself. Reach out to your classmates, family, friends and community. Your life experiences have brought you to this place and this time and they are your most valuable asset. Acknowledge and honor your experiences and embrace them in all their unique brilliance, bring them to your work, allow the truth of who you are to shine through as you progress through this class.
Be yourself. Trust yourself.
‘You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!’~Eckhart Tolle
